Olena Gorlenko

Olena Gorlenko

Frontend Developer

Hey, everyone! I am Web Developer from Ukraine, who focused building the Frontend of Websites that leads to the success of the overall product

Contact me

My projects

Landing page
Landing page "Save cats and dogs from Ukraine"
Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScrit, Editor (Visual Studio Code)

I leaned:

  • the basics of HTML and how to create an HTML page;
  • how to style an HTML page with CSS and how to target certain design elements in code;
  • the workings of JavaScript and how to animate certain elements of your code.
Certificate Project
Interactive application "Weather forecast"
Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScrit, Editor (Visual Studio Code), API, Bootstrap, GitHub, Hosting

I leaned:

  • advanced front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap;
  • advanced JavaScript techniques (ES6);
  • how to integrate a live API to start building real applications;
  • how to use Git and GitHub to manage your code.
Certificate Project
Weather application